Sunday, December 13, 2015


Love, as defined by Robert Heinlein:
"the condition in which the welfare and happiness of another becomes essential to our own."

This definition of love makes me vulnerable.

I have to be careful with people. Generally, in an effort at self-preservation, I find a way to love them without needing their love back. I am surprised, then, when I find reciprocal behavior. I am touched and made somewhat uncomfortable. I know that my friends, my family, certain people love me because it was purposed-- that is what the pact was upon entering the friendship. I am struck by the surprises. What happens if you exceed the limit of people whose lives you can be consistently and constantly entwined with? What if somehow along the way, their happiness and welfare becomes so important to us that it drastically affects our own? I do not like the idea of a temporary fusing of hearts and lives, mostly because I have not found a way to love temporarily.

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