Sunday, May 27, 2012

Faced with the most strangest of decisions (that in which I cannot control eg my heart)

I used to be the kind of person who fought within the boundaries of that which I thought I needed to fight in. This was the box, the framework and I then would learn everything there was about that framework. How to fit it all in that framework. I would bend and break bones to fit in the coffin. It never occurred to me that there was no box.
It is terrifying to discover that a rigid and concrete box that you built a life inside of may not even exist. Or at least in the way you thought it did. How do you begin to restructure an entire life and all of its pathologies? All of which you deemed ‘right’ or ‘wrong’?
When the bomb goes off, when the nuclear reactions designed in the depths of some lab, by some scientist who thought he was ‘discovering’ and ‘creating’ becomes a weapon to be used against some oh so evil, but faceless and nameless enemy (Let’s be honest. There is always a name.)
How does it feel to have nothing to ground you? Is it preferable to thinking there was a shelter and being ill prepared when you are shaken?
Black and white is so much easier. When everything can be categorized and placed in this one or that one, you never have to deal with being uncomfortable.. There is never the option of cognitive dissonance. You never have to worry about readjusting your moral schema, because the base of what is Right and what is Wrong never falters. It is very easy to know exactly who you and where your confidence lies if you never have to consider that there may be shades of grey (Let’s be honest. Isn’t it all grey?)
I am worried about certain things, that perhaps are too old for me. I am saddened that these people I hold so extremely dear may not be living a parallel life to me any longer. I am saddened, and I hurt. I always thought that this/you/would be there. For example.
And I haven’t taken time to ‘process’ largely because I am not sure what that means. Process what? What is there to feel after all?
I dreamed of this, of you, being here or back or at least looking at me again.
And now, here you are. Alive, and wanting me. Alive and real, and I remember and know your features.
I remember what or who you are/were to me.
Here it is. Honesty. I loved you, my dear I loved you beyond what has ever been in my heart for a boy or even a man. I loved the way you smiled, your laugh, I loved the confidence that you built up over yourself even when you could not feel this. I loved that you had aspirations, that you wanted to learn but more than that, you wanted to do. I loved that you loved me. That you recognized me as a fellow traveler, that your heart wanted to go in the same direction as my heart. I loved that you promised me that you would be constant. That you would love me forever. That you would be in the nursing home with me one day. That there would be prizes for the bingo because even older people deserved surprise and hope.  My dear you crushed me and devastated everything I am. I would collapse on the floor in absolute agony,  breaking and shattered and confused. I was deeply hurt and I loved you, and I loved you, and I loved you.
And I knew, then, one day while sobbing on the floor, wondering vaguely of the neighbors and what they must think (what kind of person is this? who do you think I am?) that this must end. One way or another this cannot go on like this. It must end because I cannot survive this. I will not survive this. Do you hear me? If I do not let this great and dreadful love go, I could not live. This love and I were not compatible, this aching draining abscess of a heart would kill me if I let it.
Ah and you.
Seeing you now and hearing you now is like an echo of an echo and I know I should love you. I know that you should mean everything to me, that seeing your face and hearing your voice should cause my whole being to erupt and explode with something. Anything.
Ah but is it too late? You see I had to let it go. I had to let you go. I had to accept and commit to feel nothing because it would have killed me darling, it almost killed me, it ripped me and was ripping me at every moment I let your name cross my lips or your mind cross my mind.
Now. You are here. I remember this pain and I remember this love but I feel like I am looking at a stranger,

and I have reverberating pains like the aftershocks of an earthquake or the body’s memory of a heart-attack.

What do I do with this?