Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sip because if you don't now the 
exposed red of your lips and 
simple half life you've made
will dry up and only the floods of dark wine will
ever make sense.

Play the piano because if you don’t let your fingers tremble over black and white keys in the homes of this or that loved one
then you will never be satisfied with anything less than symphonies and sobs of instruments pummeling one another to just be heard.

If you don't taste this now, if you don't bend with the whims of the way you want to move 
you will ache with hunger and your stomach will wrench with need and writhe for the places you said no to.

If you don't kiss me with lightness in your lips
then I will infiltrate your bones and devastate your sense of self with the lingering of my skin on your skin and my laugh will resonate in your ears and we will never stop aching.

Excellence and spices flavor your tongue, your curry, your way of considering the future and
You’ve strayed away from sourness, you do not want it in your mouth or heart; you do not want it mixed with sugar or burnt on the lines of your face or hers.

You stir, moving; mixing, deciding if getting your hands dirty is worth what you are trying to make. If the making is worth the outcome.

If it is bland, it will sustain you and your waist will shrink your face will become sunken sullen paler than maybe you’d imagine your face to be. You will keep walking in a straight line but the energy will be constant. You won’t have to worry about where it comes from.

If it is fire in your mouth, if it is too flavorful you might gasp and take pause and your eyes will probably water. Your body will remember, and you may run the risk of saying, “no thank you” and your mouth might water, Puckering, refusing. You will have to blend and bend and determine if the pain is real or a side effect of adding this flavor; rolling around bitterness rolling in bitterness rolling it up folding it into and around more than just sustenance. Is this poison? Or is it an addition that will make you remember.