Sunday, March 09, 2008

Where is the inspiration?

Register the

The glass of red wine, swirling (opposite and together)

The warmth flowing from you to it

The curve of the glass, cool in your hand

The biting in the back of your throat

The settling of the fog on your skin


You can’t think of

These leaving things.

Don’t remember so intently,

It shouldn’t be so intentional.

Shiver slightly

The lights distorted

In water-coated twilight

Silk and glass poems and prose

Shredding nonsense

Ebony, slip quietly

Foolish fools talk of nothing

To cover up the hidden triggers

Imaginary weapons that

Wound more than ordinary guns and knives.

You try and keep the ones that sing or scream

Under careful observation.

You don’t want to think that maybe

They have a better grasp

(It shouldn’t be so intentional.)

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